Depression: Helping a Loved One Cope


Depression is a mental illness affecting thousands of people. However, due to its deeply individualistic nature, not many people know how to help a friend with depression. This should not come as a surprise as some professionals even have a problem with successfully curing patients that have it. However, the first step is in identifying that a loved one actually needs help with battling this illness. You are even more at an advantage at helping a friend who needs your assistance, as you already know the type of character they have, their usual disposition and their history on a personal level.

18 November 2016

Relationship Counselling: 3 Tips to Avoiding Financial Incompatibility Problems


Although it might be unsexy to discuss money when in a relationship, the truth is that transparency in this area of your life with your partner can really strengthen your relationship bond. 7 out of 10 Australian couples have agreed that money causes tension in their relationship. In fact, this tension is also a common cause for divorce. Relationship counselling can really help couples open up about finances. Here are 3 tips you can implement during counselling to avoid letting money come in between you and your partner.

26 September 2016

Could Your Child Be Suffering From Depression?


For some parents, it may be difficult to tell if their children are suffering from depression because typically they will not exhibit the same symptoms as adults. Nevertheless, children, just like adults, go through traumatic situations, and if they do not find ways to process them, it begins to affect their mental health. Although depressed children may not look sad, they can exhibit other behavioral changes. For example, if a child is suddenly getting into a lot of trouble in school yet they previously had an exemplary record, it could be an indication of underlying psychological problems.

21 September 2016